Herds & Dispersals
During the ongoing years of Gus and Dodi Martin's current ownership of Elmartin Farm, there
have been dispersals and the rebuilding of herds.
What looks deceptively simple and pastoral when one views either a herd of cattle chewing
its cud* along a side of a road... or a photo of a cow being milked... is far from it. It is detailed and difficult
agri-business, throughout.
Below, is the 1966 dispersal catalog for Elmartin Cattle. While the lineage
of the animals is straight forward, the numbers may be meaningless. They are not! During the year, Milk Testers measure
the volumes of milk produced by the cows. These numbers reflect the cows productions volumes so that a potential bidder
at an auction can know whats "under the hood," so to speak.
Additionally, the numbers after the animals name reflect the official registration number
of the animal provided by the respective breed registry.